NOY 4 (Rescheduled) - “Hebburn Road” - Elrington - Sunday 9th July 2023
Planning: Denis Lyons and Bruce Graham
Starts: 9:30am to 11:30am. Course Closure - 1:00pm
Directions: Turn right from LAKE Rd, 5km west of its junction with LEGGETTS Dr. This turn is 3km east of KEARSLEY. The registration area will be 1km along HEBBURN Rd from LAKE Rd.
NOTE: Hard Long and Hard Medium course cross Hebburn Rd twice. Drive with care and beware of runners. All other courses stay east of the road.
Parking: Park well off the road. This road can have 30-40 cars with trailers on a Sunday morning if the motor sport park is operating. Parking will mainly be end in on the western side, or parallel (possibly some 45 degrees) on the eastern side. Some sections on each side will be mowed (some slight hills and hollows are possible). Other sections can be used but check the grass before leaving the road. Most parking should be possible north of registration. A reserve area will be mowed south of registration. Everyone must report to registration before going to the start.
Assembly: The registration will be on the western side of Hebburn Rd. The FINISH will be nearby, on the eastern side of the road.
Start: The start will be 400m north of the assembly/registration area. Follow the powerline for 360m then streamers to push through the bush onto an old track.
Map: “Hebburn Road”. Scale 1:10 000. 5m contours. This is part of Werakata NP. The whole area does include large sections of “green”. Some is just slow, but other large sections of ti-tree are very much “walk”. There is some SPIKEY vegetation. ALL STREAMER TRAILS WILL BE SHOWN ON ALL MAPS.
(a) The area is frequented by trail bikes and some 4WD vehicles. If you hear them MOVE OUT OF THEIR WAY.
(b) Large fallen tree canopies which may hinder runability or aid navigation have been shown as a small oval shaped thicket.
(c) At least 5 helpers are needed after the event to collect controls.